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For every traveller, Jet-lag may just be the worst part of a journey. Jet-lag has the ability it knock you out for a few days before and after your flight and unfortunately, we are still trying to find a cure.

Travelling across different time-zones doesn’t only confuse our clocks, but it does affect our body as well. Our bodies are naturally programmed into a 24-hour cycle, otherwise known as ‘circadian rhythms’ and are disrupted through the process of traveling into new time zones.

The symptoms of jet-lag include; drowsiness, insomnia, disorientation, irritability, headaches and even a loss of appetite.

Before your flight:

Adjust your schedule earlier
Slowly adjusting your sleeping and eating routine a week before your travel may decrease the effects of jet-lag. This may be as simple as eating and sleeping an hour earlier than usual.

Book an overnight flight if you can
You should sleep according to the rhythm of natural daylight. If you have noticed during a recent flight, cabin crew will often dim the lights and set up for sleep to match the destinations time-zone. Follow their orders and you might wake up feeling fresher.

Travel West
According to a recent interview with Dr Joseph Sgroi; “Your circadian rhythm is less disrupted if you travel West. This is because travelling West prolongs the body clock’s experience of its normal day-night cycles.” Travelling East runs directly opposite to our natural body clock! Keep this into consideration next time you are planning a holiday!

Soak up the Vitamin D
Prior and post flight take some time in the sun. Sunlight will help to wake your body up and adjust to your internal clock. But remember SPF 30+ just to be safe.

Turn your clock back
(or forwards) to your destinations time zone. Psychologically, it will help your mind tune into your new time-zone rather than stress about the time at home.

beat jet lag turn your clock back

Pack noise cancelling headphones and an eye mask
The easiest way to trick your body into thinking it is sleeping. Luckily for you, Globite does an all-in-one combo with both!

beat jet lag eye mask earplug

During your flight:

Sleep according to your destination
Resisting the urge to sleep is one of life’s most challenging tasks but when it comes to jet lag it is a necessity.
Your body may scream at you because its 3 AM at home but sleeping according to your new time zone is crucial in minimising the effects of jet-lag.

Eat small meals
Large or ‘heavy’ meals will leave you feeling sluggish and even more tired. During your flight snack on light things like fruit.
** apparently bananas being rich in Melatonin, Serration and magnesium will be your best friend on a flight if you are in need of a deep sleep.

beat jet lag eat small meals banana

Water, water, water
Hydration is key during travelling to keep your body happy - it will majorly help you with post-plane-skin-dehydration.

Don’t stop moving!
Keep your blood pumping as much as you can to avoid the risk of DVT and keep your body feeling stimulated. Investing in a pair of flight socks will help to do the trick.

Avoid alcohol and coffee
As tempting as a wake up coffee or celebratory glass of wine may be, both liquids will increase your levels of dehydration! These artificial stimulants undeniably affect your ability to sleep and will only increase your jet-lag recovery time.

beat jet lag avoid alcohol and coffee

Medication is never necessary
Taking sleeping pills to get you through a flight will only leave you feeling fuzzy when you land. An alternative to sleeping pills include natural Melatonin pills alongside a couple of drops Lavender oil along your temples.

After your flight:

Get Active
Experts will usually tell you to listen to your body, but in jet-lags case always resist the temptation to nap! Exercise can help speed up the transition of your body clock and believe it or not increases your energy levels! Endorphins will increase your mood and your muscles will thank you once you move out those kinks from the flight.

beat jet lag get active running

Arrive a few days earlier
Giving yourself a day or two is best to adjust and recover before you embark on what ever journey you may have planned.

Use a jet-lag calculator
Jet lag calculators work by helping you to set up a schedule to combat the desynchronisation of travelling!

We hope we have helped!
Love always,
the team @globite

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